Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Feedback from the Scratch Performance

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  1. The most effective part of this performance was the transition between the machine/audio piece to the man dressed all in black with a newspaper ruff.

    The sounds this performer was able to create were fantastic, the whole audience was transfixed, woken from a vague slumber and arrested by the clarity of his message. The few sounds captured our current inability to communicate properly in society - it was slick and captivating: supported by the unnerving machinery singing behind him.

    The cook was colourful and daring. I wonder, though, if she should practise a little more with her equipment: i was genuinely fearful that she would lose a limb during the performance! This element could do with tightening and shortening.

    I think the second half was stronger. The links need to be clarified: one gets the feeling that the collective themselves need to be ultra clear with their intentions to begin with.

    There is potential here. One way of layering this performance, without alienating the audience through noise (which i believe was one of the curator's fears) would be to consider that the group has noise artists. Silence is as powerful: movement can be simultaenious as can colour, shape and texture, without everyone's sounds/speeches at the same time. One could go back and forth, without the performances retaining their volume.

    The dawn idea is most interesting.

    The speakers in the first half have huge presence. It was nice to be introduced and taken through: but perhaps one after another was a mistake: audience attention faded, in my opinion, and this was a shame - because you began to rant at us. Why not do a couple of the points from the manifesto rather than the entire speech. We will enjoy it more!

    Thankyou and good luck!

    I look forward to seeing the next step.

  2. why not combine the visual artist and cook: using the spilt food to somehow draw and paint with ??

    perhaps the background noise was a bit too loud at times to the detriment of the speaker i.e. in the first section, the manifesto-

    it would be easier to concentrate on this element in BITE SIZE pieces.

    I like the artists being in different parts of the room- four corners? They used the space highly effectively.

    a generally very interesting piece. Thankyou!

    The feast was weird and wonderful - also suprisingly tasty! A fab idea!

  3. If you start a revolution, dont forget to setup a secret army in order to support the manifesto.Or, perhaps, like Asimov mentioned in his saga "fundation", makes publicly emerge at several moments some glare of the speech (old recordings, for exemple) of its author.
    But if you want an anarchist revolution , let people take their own power. ? Bladibla about the layers, ministeries.

    Well done, i liked it, i am looking forward to working with you again! Let's do that symphony at the Shunt


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